This defines the topology of a collection of rigid bodies.
cpp_topology |
add_sites(sites) | add sites to the Rigid Body topology |
align_path(path) | ensure a series of images are aligned with each other |
coords_adapter([coords]) | Create a coords adapter to easy access coordinate array |
distance_squared(coords1, coords2) | Calculate the squared distance between 2 configurations |
distance_squared_grad(coords1, coords2) | Calculate gradient with respect to coords 1 for the squared distance |
finalize_setup() | |
get_atom_labels() | |
get_atommasses() | |
get_atomtypes() | |
get_nrigid() | |
interpolate(initial, final, t) | interpolate between 2 sets of angle axis configurations |
metric_tensor(coords) | get the metric tensor for a current configuration |
neb_distance(coords1, coords2[, distance, grad]) | wrapper function called by neb to get distance between 2 images |
orthogopt(v, coords) | make v orthogonal to the zero eigenvectors at position coords |
redistribute_gradient(rbcoords, rbgrad) | |
set_cpp_topology(cpp_topology) | provide class to access the fast c++ topology routines |
to_atomistic(rbcoords) | convert rigid body coords to atomistic coords |
transform_gradient(rbcoords, grad) | convert atomistic gradient into a gradient in rigid body coords |
zeroEV(x) | return a list of zero eigenvectors |